If you have a child, you know that accidents are inevitable. I can’t remember the last time my son didn’t have a bruise of some kind. Here are 5Ā common accidents for kids while on vacation and how to treat them as per www.parents.com:
Cut or Scrape
Press firmly over the site with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops. Clean under lukewarm running water and gently pat dry. When a wound is dirty or was caused by an animal scratch, rinse it with water and gently lather with soap. Apply a thin layer of an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin), then cover with a bandage or gauze and adhesive tape. Any animal bites should be seen by a doctor immediately.
Insect Bite or Sting
If the insect left a stinger, try to scrape the skin with your fingernail or a credit card to remove it without breaking it. Tweezers are especially helpful, and can also squeeze out any venom. Call 911 if your child has trouble breathing, is coughing, or develops a hoarse voice, hives, or swollen lips or tongue.
Have your child sit upright, but don’t tilt her head back. Loosen any tight clothing around her neck. Pinch the lower end of her nose close to the nostrils and have her lean forward while you apply pressure continuously for five to ten minutes.Ā
Immediately hold under cool running water or apply a cold, wet towel until the pain subsides. Cover any small blisters with a loose bandage or gauze and tape; call a doctor as soon as possible if burns are on the face, hands, or genitals, or if they’re larger than 1/4 inch anywhere on the body. If the burn looks deep — the skin may be white or brown and dry — go to the E.R. For a burn covering a tenth of the body or more, don’t use cold compresses; call 911 and cover the child with a clean sheet or a blanket to prevent hypothermia until help arrives.
Eye Trauma
When your child has severe pain, constant tearing, light sensitivity, or blurry vision after being poked or hit in the eye, hold a cool, wet cloth over the area and head to the E.R. He may have a scratch on the eye’s surface, which is treated with prescription drops or ointment and usually heals within 48 hours. If a chemical has been splashed in his eye, hold the lid open and flush with lukewarm water and call Poison Control (800-222-1222).
*Medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this information does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
Here is a list of First Aid Essentials to bring with you on your trip — hopefully you will not need to use them:Ā
Tweezers (to remove splinters or ticks)
1% hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion (for bites or stings)
Alcohol wipes (to clean scissors and tweezers)
Oral antihistamine (for allergic reactions)
Non-latex gloves (to pull on clean hands when treating a wound)
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for pain and fever)
Thermometer (non-mercury, non-glass)
Triple-antibiotic ointment (to prevent infection)
Hand sanitizer (to clean hands in case water and soap aren’t available)
Blanket (to prevent heat loss after large burns and to treat for shock)
Bottled water (to rinse wounds if there’s no faucet nearby)
Instant cold compress (to control swelling)
3 common illnesses children may get while traveling and suggested treatments:
Motion SicknessĀ
Find a rest area and let your child out of the car so she can get fresh air. Sipping ginger ale also helps.Ā Feed your child light foods, such as crackers and applesauce, before leaving home. Have her sit facing forward and near an open window.
Give your child Pedialyte to replace electrolytes and fight dehydration. Until she feels better, have her eat starchy foods such as noodles, toast, and bananas. If diarrhea persists for more than two days, call your pediatrician. If you are dining at a restaurant, make sure to check that the food is cooked properly.
Keep skin hydrated with aloe-vera lotion, and apply cool compresses to relieve the sting. Acetaminophen can also alleviate some of the discomfort.Ā Apply a waterproof, broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15 half an hour before going in the sun, and reapply often.
*For a list of where to purchase any sun protection for kids (and adults) right here on Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls, as well as some other helpful information about planning a trip here, click here.
If you are traveling to the tourist district in Niagara Falls, we like to make sure the safety of you and your loved ones is top of mind. We have a Clifton Hill security team that are trained in first aid and CPR whichĀ patrol Clifton Hill on a frequent basis; major injuries should obviously be called to 911 immediately.
The Niagara Parks Commission has a first aid stations available at the Table Rock.Ā First Aid Attendants are fully trained and will provide Standard First Aid and CPR (level C) services for all visitors and staff in the immediate vicinity.
*These services are available on weekends during late May, June and early September, and from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. every day during July and August*.
The Niagara Emergency Medical Services (NEMS) provide rapid response through paramedics on bicycles if there is an incident outside of the Table Rock area. From Victoria Day to Labour Day, paramedics on bikes provide emergency medical care in the tourist district of Niagara Falls for 12 hours each day.
*Pictured Above: The Table Rock Centre*
Christine Lynn
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