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Niagara Falls Getaway Contest!

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Niagara Falls Contest
Niagara Falls Getaway Contest!
Clifton Hill Resorts, in Niagara Falls, is offering its newsletter subcribers a chance to win a 2-Night Niagara Falls Getaway Package for 2!
Here are the the contest details:
Clifton Hill Resorts Newsletter Contest (Feb 2007)
Enter the “Clifton Hill Resorts Newsletter” contest today! If you can answer eight skill testing questions correctly, your name will be entered into a draw for a Niagara Falls Getaway package for two. Contest closes February 22, 2007. The winners name will be announced in a future issue of the newsletter.
Rules: Contestants must be members of the Clifton Hill Resorts Newsletter (sign up here). The winner will be contacted by email and given one week to confirm. If the winner does not respond within the week another winner will be drawn. The winner’s name will be published in the Clifton Hill Resorts Newsletter.
If you are interested in entering, click the following link to get started:
Clifton Hill Resorts Newsletter Contest: Feb 2007