Good Deeds Canada: Helping One Another

Reading Time:Ā  3 minutes -

“When you turn stress into happiness for a living it really is addictive”, is a true statement. UsingĀ MRI scans, scientists have identified specific regions of the brain that are very active during deeply empathic and compassionate emotions. Very simply, it makes you feel good, and it is called “altruism”.Ā Brain chemicals produce high levels of the “bonding” hormone oxytocin in people who are very generous toward others. Oxytocin is the hormone best known for its role in preparing mothers for motherhood. This chemical makes you feel a “high” — in this case, you get a “helper’s high.”
There is a variety of reasons why you may want to help other people out, and now there is a website dedicated to (with your help) in finding cases of unfortunate circumstances and turning lives around for the better. Whether it’s a temporary “high”, or finding a permanent solution to changing a life or a series of lives, this is what Good Deeds Canada is setting out to do.
Good Deeds CanadaĀ is a “web series dedicated to the reality of unfortunate personal circumstances and the battle to overcome them”. The right kind of help can change everything. Using generated content, charitable organizations, advertising sponsors and word of mouth, they will provide good deeds to people needing a hand or even a miracle.
The Good Deeds Canada team sets out with the mission to “build a global community of people helping one another by documenting these inspirational stories and sharing them with you on our Web series.”
This organization is locally operated, with the goal to help individuals or families in need achieve some relief through community donations and support. Good Deeds Canada as always looking for assistance in not only community donations, but in finding those stories that require a helping hand through your nominations.
For the past few years, the Producers of Good Deeds have been helping people with help from sponsors, friends, and industry professionals.
Take a look at this video from their very first Good Deed — right here in Niagara Falls. It features our very own company HOCO Entertainment & Resorts (, lending a helping hand through our contributions, as well as other generous companies within this community:

Here are some images of the “James” family enjoying their Niagara Falls Family Weekend:

The out-of-pocket expenses are adding up quickly, so now Good Deeds Canada is actively seeking donations that will be used to assist them by paying Post Production & Editing costs that will allow the Good Deeds Canada Team to present their inspirational show, as well as those people and businesses that wish to have an active involvement in participating — whether it be through financial means, a charitable donation, or through your own labour.
Currently they have 11 Good Deeds on file, including these two stories that they are actively requesting assistance for:

Directed By: Bram Pieper & Paul Balsiuk
If you are interested in helping in any meansĀ possible, please email Good Deeds Canada atĀ  [email protected].
If you wish to nominate someone in particular, please visit them online and under “Nominate”, please answer the questions provided. However, they cannot guarantee that a Good Deed will be given to every person who is nominated. Once the nomination is made, they rely on sponsors and community involvement to provide the things that are needed.
For more information visit them online at
Follow them on Facebook: Good Deeds CanadaĀ 
Follow them on Twitter: Good Deeds Canada

Christine on Niagara falls in the Fall

Christine Lynn

[email protected]





Instagram: @cliftonhillfun


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