The Niagara Falls Illumination Board is pleased to announce that construction is underway for a newly updated and enhanced lighting system for both the Canadian Horseshoe and American Falls.
The Board is proceeding with its $4 million revitalization plan. This money was obtained through financial support obtained from both government and local tourism stakeholder groups. The intent is to improve the overall tourism experience when you travel to Niagara Falls.
“The Illumination Board is tremendously proud of the role it plays in the tourism industry in Niagara,” stated Mark Thomas, Chair of the Niagara Falls Illumination Board. “We were very fortunate to have community stakeholders on both sides of the border who have supported our vision since the project was first proposed. The improvement to the nightly illumination of the Falls will encourage visitation to Niagara and we appreciate the stakeholders recognizing the importance of the project for the destination.”
Currently, the Niagara Falls are lit using Xenon lighting technology. It has been almost 20 years since the last major lighting investment was made.
Expect to see something spectacular! Proposed upgrades include more than twice the current lighting levels on the Falls. This includes programmable lighting opportunities and a more robust colour spectrum. This new lighting system will eliminate dark gaps, while making it more energy-efficient and reduce maintenance costs.
Nightly illumination of Niagara Falls will continue through the construction period which began in September, with an official lighting ceremony taking place on December 1st, 2016.
The Niagara Falls were lit for the first time on Sept. 14, 1860 at 10:00 pm to honour the arrival of the Prince of Wales. They used 200 Bengal Lights; 60 in a row below the high bank on the Canadian shoreline aimed towards the American Falls, 60 lights under the Table Rock, and 80 lights behind the sheet of water at the Horseshoe Falls.
Lights like those were actually used to signal for help at sea during that time (first known to be used in 1818), as electricity wasn’t first used until 1879. Bengal lights are aĀ kind of firework that givesĀ off a blue flame.
*Pictured Above: The American and Bridal Veil Falls illuminated by electric light in 1907.
Photo from the Niagara Falls Library collection.