Tunnel below Lake Ontario from Niagara to Toronto is a solution to traffic woes: Niagara Falls council hopeful

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Printed from Niagara This Week

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Tunnel below Lake Ontario from Niagara to Toronto is a solution to traffic woes: Niagara Falls council hopeful
Paul Forsyth
Nov 3, 2006

Garry Beck figures he has a way to reduce gridlock on the highways between Niagara and Toronto. His idea, he said, would save provincial taxpayers millions of dollars and give the region’s economy a big shot in the arm.Beck, a candidate for alderman in the city of Niagara Falls, thinks it’s time for a tunnel to be bored beneath Lake Ontario, linking Niagara and Toronto in much the same way the Channel Tunnel project, nicknamed the Chunnel, connected England with the European mainland beneath the English Channel.
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